Substance Use Therapy: A Compassionate Approach

  • Skill-Building for Resilience

    Equipping you with practical skills to navigate life's challenges, build resilience, and reduce reliance on substances.

  • Collaborative Process

    Working as a team to create a customized plan to help you through the growing pains.

  • Shame-Free Environment

    Fostering an atmosphere free from shame, understanding that everyone’s path is different.

  • Client-Centered Approach

    Your journey, your pace. Whether it's harm reduction or complete abstinence, I’m here to support your autonomy and personal goals.

  • Trauma-Informed Care

    Getting to the root of the issues by addressing the potential impact of trauma on substance use.

Dispelling the Myth: Substance Use as a Response to Pain

There's a prevalent misconception that struggles with substance use are a result of moral failure or lack of willpower. Lumina Psychotherapy challenges this stigma and understands that substance use often stems from a deeper source – a response to profound pain or an attempt to cope with life's challenges.

Rather than viewing it as a moral failing, it’s important to recognize substance use as a complex response to deep-seated struggles. It's an attempt to navigate emotional wounds, trauma, or unmet needs.

Lumina’s approach to treatment is rooted in empathy, acknowledging that behind every substance use story, there's an individual grappling with their own unique set of challenges.

By reframing the narrative, we’ll create a space free from judgment, fostering understanding and compassion. We’ll work collaboratively to address the underlying issues, supporting you in building healthier coping mechanisms and finding a path towards lasting recovery.

Level of Care: Outpatient Services

Lumina Psychotherapy’s outpatient services are suitable for individuals at various stages of their recovery journey, offering flexibility and support. However, I acknowledge that outpatient care is the lowest level of intervention. If your needs require a higher level of care, I’m committed to referring you to clinics with comprehensive wrap-around services to establish safety and stability before we begin working on an outpatient basis. 

Start your journey.